When I saw this photo of this poor woman about to be separated from her dog, I immediately experienced two intense, visceral emotions. First, I felt my fists and jaw clench in marginally controlled rage that anyone, any agency would take the position this was necessary, regardless of the logistics. Cheryl Cook's dog Trouble may very well be closer to her than anyone, anything in her life, without which it may not be worth living. The second emotion was a deep sadness for her, and for myself, if such a fate were ever to befall me.
I would, as the saying goes, 'take a bullet' for my dog. As a matter of fact, in Ms. Cook's situation, that's the only way I could be separated from my dog. He is, without a doubt, this man's best friend.
Safeties off.
AS we travel through life, many of us are fortunate enough to have pets. Sadly, or sickly, some people who own pets shouldn't have them. You have done a wonderful thing with your pets. We feel the same about ours. They are our "people" our family and they are always steadfast by our sides. Thank you for sharing your love of your family.