Dear Java -
;; ;; ;;; <== That's Sam-e's favorite key. Now I'm typing.
My name is Bella and I am a cat but I have some questions that a dog might be able to answer.
First off, when you play fetch with your human what do you do when they get distracted and dont notice that you've brought the toy back to them?
If it's dinnertime and you or your human can't clear the
plate, well, of course you want to bury what's left for
later. This is difficult to do when the floor is carpeted
or tiled. I try to dig up around the dish to cover it but
I haven't been successful yet. Any hints?
This last question is from Sam-e, keep in mind that he's
"portly" to say the least. On a hot day when you hang out
belly up in the middle of the living room floor, trying to
cool yourself, what's the easiest way to get back on your
feet quickly in an emergency?
Bella & Sam-e